Monday, November 24, 2008

Being Real

Today an article is making the rounds about Word Press ( and their "splogging" practices. I'm sure there's going to be more comments about this, but what I can imagine is going to come of this most is a heightened awareness of what you say, how you say it, and what measures you'll take to protect what you write.

Truthfully, I've never paid a whole heck of a lot of attention to things like that because if someone can't come up with some original thought of their own, well, that's too bad for them. Life is full of interesting things, and you meet all kinds of interesting people. If you get away from the computer screen!

I know I've been guilty of getting sucked into the virtual world. It happens, since I WORK in the virtual world as a virtual assistant. But there comes a time when you have to push yourself back from the desk, shut the laptop lid, and interact with other organisms that you share space with. In my case, I've got 2 kids that require and demand personal interaction.

So do yourself a favor - try out the "being real" part of your life. You may just find that you like it.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Today marks the 32nd day until Christmas, and for the 2nd year running - I don't have even a small portion of my shopping done. I used to be the person that was DONE by Halloween, so I could take it easy & laugh at everyone else that was scrambling. Now I'm the one doing the scrambling. I don't know what caused the switch in my planning (or lack thereof), and you know what? I'm not even really that concerned about it either.

I used to panic if I didn't even have a list together. Today, looking through the paper, I was looking at different things the people I'm wanting to buy for might like, and I'm sure I'll figure it all out in time. Even if that comes on December 24th.

It might come from the fact that my list of gift recipients has dwindled significantly in the last few years, and I don't send gifts to out-of-state relatives any longer - card and gift cards suffice, so I can make a dash to the store of choice, get the gift cards and cards, toss 'em in the mail and be done with it.

I have relatives here where I live that make elaborate plans about shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Nothing could appeal to me less than to get out in a store on November 28th. I worked at a large chain store a few years ago during Christmas and the battles I saw for items was just crazy and stupid. There's nothing that the stores can sell that would entice me to get out that day. What I found even funnier was that the items that EVERYONE was battling over were the ones that got returned on December 26th.

Strategic planning and paying attention to the world around you is what will get you through - not only the holidays but life in general. Strategic planning and paying attention will help you get through anything and everything that comes your way.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Am I a mean Mom?

On "Good Morning America" today was a story about a father who video taped his 2 year olds fighting and encouraging them. I'm all for letting kids work out their differences between themselves, that is until blood is involved. I don't mediate the little daily arguments between my 11 year old daughter and my almost 4 year old son. I think its good for both of them to work it out.

Someone close to me didn't learn how to "work it out" with his brother, and as such has a very distant relationship with him. His mom mediated everything, and continues to do so. She acts shocked that I don't mediate squabbles between the kids.

I do make my kids apologize to each other when one wrongs or hurts the other. I make them hug each other. With my daughter, she has to explain to her younger brother why what she did was wrong. Boy, that caused a lot of angst when I first started that, but its teaching her to speak to him on HIS level. And - I think its laying some fantastic groundwork for her future in babysitting in the next few years. And you know what? They have a close relationship because of this. She comes home in the afternoon and the first person she looks for is her little brother. I found them this afternoon cuddled together on the couch watching "Pinky Dinky Doo". She was laying down, and he was to the side, but had his head on her chest. It just melted my heart!

In your daily life do you know how to "work it out"? Or, do you let the petty day-to-day annoyances and squabbles get to you?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Listening to The Universe

So a couple of weeks ago my daughter came down with some bug. For about 48 hours, she was the most miserable 11 year old you could ever meet. Then my 3 1/2 year old came down with it, along with a cold on top of it, which has ended up lasting for about a week. Keeping him hydrated, warm and hopped up on Children's Tylenol has been a challenge - the boy likes being nekkid! And its currently 33 in metro Detroit with about 2" of snow.

This morning I woke up with a sore throat, nose all stuffed up, and head feeling like it was attached by a balloon string.

But when you have small children, being sick is one of those extra curricular activities you just can't engage in.

So whaddya do?

In my case - I went to the store and got some remedies and I'm just dealing with it. Yeah, I know that it'll go on longer because I'm not resting as I should, and I'm probably not taking care of myself the way I should.

And I know I'm not practicing what I preach, either! I'm always telling my clients if they're having a rough time that maybe The Universe is telling them its time to step away for a bit. I know The Universe is telling me this, too - I just have a hard time hearing The Universe at times.

I promise - I'm going to do something to take some care of myself today. Hopefully my husband won't have to go back on the road today and can take kid duty this afternoon, so I can sneak in a nap. If not, perhaps The Boy and I will go take a nap.

Do something for yourself today - even if its just running to the corner store and grabbing your favorite candy bar (even though you're trying to lose 10 lbs before Thanksgiving). Nothing says you have to eat it all now - just a taste will be a big boost to your inner self.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mind Block!

Everyone tells me to blog. it is.

Are you excited yet?

I have all kinds of wonderful things, all kinds of important opinions, and all kinds of wisdom to impart.

Except when its time to blog.

So, how do you get over the mind block that always happens? I go to the internet and do a search for the first thing that pops to mind. In this instance it was the lyrics to a song I heard for the first time this morning. I won't share here, because I don't want to get into all the legalities that go with mentioning a song on a blog or something like that, but this song had me in tears for many reasons. Again - things I'm not willing to go into.

But what it did do was spur me to write this blog entry about getting over the mind block. For no matter what you're trying to do, whether its writing in a blog, starting a new aspect of your business, trying out a recipe for the first time, or anything else that's new, exciting and maybe just a little bit scary, going to a "safe place" easy to dip a toe into a new pool.

There's lots of challenges in my life lately - personally and professionally. On the professional front, I'm taking steps to make my services beneficial to my current clients, and to any future clients. Additionally, I'm in the process of launching a new business that's going to (hopefully) change the face of the way virtual assistants service a certain specialty of clients for the future. Personally, well, that's not something to get into here.

So my challenge to you, my friend, until we meet again here, is to dip your toe into another pool.