Monday, November 17, 2008

Listening to The Universe

So a couple of weeks ago my daughter came down with some bug. For about 48 hours, she was the most miserable 11 year old you could ever meet. Then my 3 1/2 year old came down with it, along with a cold on top of it, which has ended up lasting for about a week. Keeping him hydrated, warm and hopped up on Children's Tylenol has been a challenge - the boy likes being nekkid! And its currently 33 in metro Detroit with about 2" of snow.

This morning I woke up with a sore throat, nose all stuffed up, and head feeling like it was attached by a balloon string.

But when you have small children, being sick is one of those extra curricular activities you just can't engage in.

So whaddya do?

In my case - I went to the store and got some remedies and I'm just dealing with it. Yeah, I know that it'll go on longer because I'm not resting as I should, and I'm probably not taking care of myself the way I should.

And I know I'm not practicing what I preach, either! I'm always telling my clients if they're having a rough time that maybe The Universe is telling them its time to step away for a bit. I know The Universe is telling me this, too - I just have a hard time hearing The Universe at times.

I promise - I'm going to do something to take some care of myself today. Hopefully my husband won't have to go back on the road today and can take kid duty this afternoon, so I can sneak in a nap. If not, perhaps The Boy and I will go take a nap.

Do something for yourself today - even if its just running to the corner store and grabbing your favorite candy bar (even though you're trying to lose 10 lbs before Thanksgiving). Nothing says you have to eat it all now - just a taste will be a big boost to your inner self.

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