Sunday, November 23, 2008


Today marks the 32nd day until Christmas, and for the 2nd year running - I don't have even a small portion of my shopping done. I used to be the person that was DONE by Halloween, so I could take it easy & laugh at everyone else that was scrambling. Now I'm the one doing the scrambling. I don't know what caused the switch in my planning (or lack thereof), and you know what? I'm not even really that concerned about it either.

I used to panic if I didn't even have a list together. Today, looking through the paper, I was looking at different things the people I'm wanting to buy for might like, and I'm sure I'll figure it all out in time. Even if that comes on December 24th.

It might come from the fact that my list of gift recipients has dwindled significantly in the last few years, and I don't send gifts to out-of-state relatives any longer - card and gift cards suffice, so I can make a dash to the store of choice, get the gift cards and cards, toss 'em in the mail and be done with it.

I have relatives here where I live that make elaborate plans about shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Nothing could appeal to me less than to get out in a store on November 28th. I worked at a large chain store a few years ago during Christmas and the battles I saw for items was just crazy and stupid. There's nothing that the stores can sell that would entice me to get out that day. What I found even funnier was that the items that EVERYONE was battling over were the ones that got returned on December 26th.

Strategic planning and paying attention to the world around you is what will get you through - not only the holidays but life in general. Strategic planning and paying attention will help you get through anything and everything that comes your way.

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